This was a very interesting movie to watch. I was glued to the screen, attracted by the grittiness of the images and the great acting. Also, the story is very good.
Push takes place in a version of our current world, in Hong Kong to be more precise. People have powers in this world. Some are pushers; they can basically brainwash anyone in a few seconds, making them believe anything they want. Others are movers; they can move things like telekinesis. Watchers see the future or a possible future that is constantly changing based on unpredictable people’s decisions.
In this world, The Division is attempting to harness these powers in order to develop super soldiers. They proceed with a series of experiments on “potentials” with injections.
The film begins with one such potential that survives the injection. She is the first to do so and manages to escape with the only sample of the drug before The Division can contain her and exploit her new found capability.
In order for this woman to properly hide the drug from the Watchers, she has her memory wiped (by Erasers?) and gives herself a note to find a friend who can help her.
What follows is a race to find a suitcase containing the drug.
The film will inevitably generate déjà vu feelings because of its similarities with Heroes but the way the powers are used, the locations where this action takes place and the complex and unique plot will quickly make the viewer forget about its television cousin.
The movie features a great cast led by Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning and Djimon Hounsu whose characters will keep you guessing until the very last second of the film.
The pacing is somewhat slow but the picture features great action scenes where the various powers are used with cleverness and very decent but not overwhelming special effects, such as one particular sequence in a restaurant that has guns literally flying all over the place as two Movers battle each other.
I highly recommend Push to anyone who got a kick from movies like Jumper and the Heroes television series or those who enjoy a clever, smart, sci-fi action film.
Non seulement tu me fais dérouiller mon anglais, mais encore tu me donnes envie de voir ce film. Deux fois merci :-)