Thursday, January 22, 2009

About Entertainment and Beyond


Entertainment and Beyond is about my own experiences going to the theater, playing games, listening to music or watching television.

I like being entertained, just like everyone I suppose. But my passions have once been a part of my professional future but a few bad choices and circumstances have driven me beyond or rather, away from my dreams and plans.

I wanted to make movies. Travel all over the world to exotic locations for shooting an action film, meeting people and hopefully make a lot of money.

Instead I now have a family and work in a school. Still a nice path to be on but working in the entertainment industry is beyond me at this point.

So throughout the coming articles I will elaborate on my experiences as a consumer of entertainment. The "Beyond" part is more about everything else, like how I hope Obama could influence my country and help us too with our problems.

After all he seems to be the Messiah...

1 comment:

  1. Fier et français, je me fends d'un premier commentaire, dans ma langue, boudiou ! (et un peu trop fatigué aussi pour écrire en anglais...)

    Longue vie à ton blog ! Je te souhaite tout plein de charmants commentateurs (un ami à moi dit "intervenautes") et (mais est-ce possible ?) aucun troll.

    Au fond tu vois, on se ressemble un peu : j'ai fait trois petits tours dans la critique littéraire parisienne et aujourd'hui, c'est la Corse...

    A bientôt de te lire,

