It's very addictive, you can play with friends and you can waste a lot of time in it.
And it's a lot of fun too.
How can I have a blog about entertainment and not talk about WoW?
I started off with a free 14 days trial about a year an a half ago. This trial only allowed me to build a caracter up to level 10 and many features were locked.
I had made a Dwarf Hunter and he had a bear named Ben as his pet.
I remember sitting him up on top of a hill near Stormwind, looking down into a valley. I had made a fire and was cooking meat for me and Ben as the trial came to a close.
Soon after I bought the game and began a Night Elf Hunter named Queleborn.
He is now Level 35 with two pets and a mount, which was difficult to get because they are so darn expensive.
Hunters are long range fighters, using bows, crossbows and guns to take down enemies. They can tame wild beasts to fight melee for them or to be used as bait to lure enemies while the hunter loots chests and the like.
Other classes in WoW include Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Priest, Paladin and Shaman, with the Death Knight added with the lates expansion to the game.
Everytime I play WoW I get a bit excited so this is the first article. I will write more about it as my caracters grow.
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